See you at Bažant Pohoda festival!

7.07.2015 , ,

pohoda cover

You can meet us at the biggest music festival at infopoints Open, Free and Mind. We will introduce our Together for all families campaign as well as premiere our campaign against hate speech, Say it to my face.

In cooperation with Frontline Club we also invite you to discussions:

10.7.2015, 17-1750, stan .týždeň

Kritizuj, ale nehejtuj. Umelci a politici, vzory a anti-vzory: BeBe, Jozef Hašto, Vec

FB event

11.7.2015, 11-1150, stan .týždeň

Anticiganizmus a holokaust – CESTA LESOM: Štefan Hríb, Fedor Gál, Robert Kirchhoff

FB event

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